Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is it ethical to download pictures from Facebook without the owners permission? mp2 journal1

           No, I do not believe that it is ethical for someone to download pictures from Facebook without the owners permission. I believe this because it is the users pictures thus making it their right to decide if writers can use them.  If we do not ask it could be considered stealing and you could get in a lot of trouble for it, you might lose your job or even get sued.  At the same time they might not even care but you should always check with the owner, for them that picture could be somewhat special or private and they don't want the entire state to see it. Plus if the picture was downloaded  the person who they downloaded it from would not know you downloaded until after the story was published. All this leads me to believe that it should not be considered ethical to download pictures for an article from a facebook owner account without the owners permission

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