Tuesday, January 4, 2011

what happened in the last 10 years?

           The 2000's were a lot of things but what was probably the most significant thing about it was the time of teenage girl's loving vampires, werewolves and other dark mythological creatures. In order to show our love of it we would often dress slightly Gothic wearing skinny jeans, dark tight shirts, and converse, all of this was considered fashionable. A lot of other really important  stuff happened this past 10 years, such as over 1 million deaths that's about 2times more than normal. We also had the 1st ever black President, President Obama. We invented  some cool useful things to such as wikipedia, facebook, myspace, ipods,  and the best thing ever American Idol! We had many bad things invented as well such as steroids, also a great many people are becoming obese. We also had a break out of H1N1 other wise known as the swine flu. That's about all that happened in the time period of 2000-2010

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