Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Future of the Space Programs

           According to research scientists speculate that once our next shuttle is launched we won't be doing much in space besides getting astronauts to the international space station which should take four to five years to get to. After that though things should get a little more exciting many people are saying that by 2020 we should be able to LIVE on asteroids and by 2025 we might be able to live on MARS! I grew up always wondering if one day I could live on the moon and now it may just be possible within the next 10-15 years! In order to reach these very impressive goals scientists are working on a new space suit and space craft. The bew space suit hasn't had too much progress but the craft,The Orion, is progressing quickly. NASA speculates that we shall start trying to get astronauts to the ISS (International Space Station) within 2 years! Thats all for now!

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