Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The murder of osama bin laden

            In my opinion it is a relieve that he can no longer plan anymore attacks but at the same time I am terrified because when people get angry they do irrational things.  There is no doubt in my mind that he has made other plans to attack the united states and now that he is gone he cant control when they happen so in vengeance the people who followed him might attack us that much quicker, sure it may just be me being paranoid but they say better save then sorry. Then the celebrating that some people are doing just is wrong in my opinion we should never celebrate the death of a person we may honor then but nothing further because even if we didnt like them as a whole in his mind he was doing what he had to protect his people and no matter who he was or what he did he had family who loved him and he probably loved someone as well. That is my opinion on this whole matter.

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