Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ann Coulter's "radiation is good for us"

           "Radiation is good for you," is what Ann Coulter said on Bill O'Reilly, is it really true though. We all know about 9/11 a lot of people suffered from various illnesses after words most of which happened due to radiation. Then in Japan right now several people have died from radiation. Yes maybe radiation is good for you in small amounts, but no we should not all go over to Japan hoping that the high amount of radiation will heal your cancer because yes you may be healed for a while but you will probably suffer from another disease or even die due to the radiation your body absorbed. We use small amounts of radiation to kill cancerous cells or even to hault their process but this causes people to go bald! While that may not seem like much it is evidense that your body is not suppposed to have radiation in it or, more thaan likely, near it! If your body stops producing what is has produced sinse you were born then its a pretty good sign to stop what your doing! All this leads me to believe that Ann Coulter has probably not done thorough research on the subject before she spoke, which she should certainly consider doing before she speaks up again! If she feels like dieing from radiation she can go do so but she shouldn't bring others down with her.

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