Thursday, March 3, 2011

Is it protected speech to protest a funeral?

            I believe that it is protected but it should not be. In nearly every country, every religion you are taught to honor and respect the dead even if you don't exactly like them. Here is the question you should ask yourself before you even consider protesting a funeral; is if you would want someone to protest YOUR own funeral or the funeral of a beloved family member of yours. While we may be protected by the bill of rights' and constitution, your own morals and values should be what you are thinking about. If you do want to protest something they did in their life then you should wait until after the funeral and protest OUTSIDE the graveyard so you are still protesting what you want to but are also respecting the dead. In some religions or countries they have entire days, weeks, months dedicated to honoring the dead. You may feel it is necessary to protest but before doing so you should think about how you would want to be treated when you, yourself dies.

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