Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is it against the first Amendment

           Is it against the first Amendment to teach about how evolution isn't true, teachers treated as union members, or not being aloud to say gay in school? First we have freedom religion so we can believe anything we want not just that God made the world, we can not say that is true unless scientists prove it true or proves that evolution is true. Teachers treated as union members? First off teachers are practically broke most struggle to make ends meet, so we do not need to worry about the teachers that have teached longer having more money they teach unwilling kids for 8 hrs a day and are practically broke the least we can do is give them a little more money. Whats wrong with saying gay is school? Absolutely nothing! First off gay can also mean happy, so if we cant say gay in school can we be happy? Second we have freedom of speech meaning we can say whatever pleases us at anytime we want including GAY... or homosexual! Quite obviously I am very against any of these laws being passed.

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