Thursday, September 23, 2010

Is it ethical to embed journalists in the armed forces in wartime?

           No, I don't believe embedding news reporters in the armed forces during wartime to be ethical.  I believe this because it is extremely disrespectful and insensitive to some people.  If your lost your mom or dad or some other close relative in a war and they happen to have been caught on tape you wouldn't want to have to relive that say 10 years from now. It is so disrespectful because they're putting someones loved ones' death all over the world. It's insensitive because maybe the enemy got to see the tape and are laughing at the pain they're causing to that person's family. If I lost someone in the war and it was caught on tape that would be running through my head the entire time "I bet they are over there laughing," and I would of wanted to cry and scream but mostly I would want revenge! Not only would the newsreporters have to deal with the people who had suffered from the scene, they would have to deal with the people who would want revenge against the enemy!  If someone maybe got a little bit out of control we might have a mass murderer on their hands. All these reasons are why I believe embedding journalists in the armed forces camp is wrong, insensitive, and disrespetive.

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