Thursday, September 30, 2010

Free Press in other countries

           I believe that other countries lack free press because it helps the rulers keep control over the people.  If  they can keep make everyone believe that everyone else agrees with them would anyone rebel?  If you think about that question the answer is obviously no, who would stand up if they believed everyone else wouldn't?  In my opinion we cant really do much to help them, but we can give the government advice such as allow the people to vote on most if not all of the laws. Yes, we should always help when we can especially when you consider how much we have learned over time.  If everyone helped one another out this world would be a much better place. We can learn some things from other countries just as other countries can learn from us. For instance we can learn from other countries how to keep a constant economy whist other countries can learn the right of free press or to vote for the leaders from us.  All this supports my theory that other countries lack free press to help keep control over their citizens.

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