Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My opinion on the Koran burning

           In my opinion the Koran burning is highly wrong.  We may live in a free country but everything has limits, if Jones did end up burning the Korans' I would consider it a terrorist attack.  My reasoning consists of past events in America's history such as the KKK or the events at Pearl Harbor as well as the Japanese internment camps during World War Two. The main reason Jones was upset was because the Muslim people were building their church near the sight of 9/11 which the Muslim people caused. It  was his fear that caused him to say that he would burn the Koran's, he was afraid that there would be another attack so he spoke out. It is alot like the KKK they believe only they are right and that people that have a different skin color shouldn'y have the same rights as those who have white skin. Over all even though we all have all these freedoms some people are still  racist, sexist, ans a little close minded.

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