Thursday, October 14, 2010

American Food-What is really healthy?

            Yes, I do believe that we should tell people about what they are actually eating when they eat "healthy" food.  If we do so then we might be able to help child obesity become better, we might also get people to exercise more working off any of the fattening food they may eat.  I also believe we should have a setion in every paper that tells about the healthy restraunts and meals to make.  If we do so then maybe people would stop going to places that feed you fake healthy food.  If we can make healthier, smaller meals that would also be a way to help obesity as well as encourage other people to eat healthier.  Other things we can do to make the world more aware of what they eat is have meeting between people that shows the healthy choice as well as the unhealthy choice and then show the results of what can happen with each choice, like regular peanut butter compared to just peanuts and oil. That is what I belive we should do about becomig healthier

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