Thursday, October 7, 2010

Is it ethical to tape a person unknowingly?

           I believe that sometimes it can be ethical  to tape someone unknowingly.  If it is an important matter such as a witness report on a bank robbery and they don't want you to tape them, than yes I believe that you should secretly tape them, especially if they remember something important that they forgot to tell the police.  In other times such as an interview for maybe a small sports event and they don't want you to tape them than you should respect their opinion.  I for one would understand something important such as a witness report to be secretly taped because that stuff might convict someone but for anything else I would be enraged because they had gone against what I said.  In my opinion it depends on the reason for the interview because it can go both ways. I think the real question is would you secretly tape someone without their knowing? If you're honest with yourself, you would say it depends on the case. That is why I believe that it sometimes it can be ethical to secretly tape someone during an interviem

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