Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Social Networks

           Yes, I believe that social networks have revolutionized the News,Businesses, and even people communicating and making friends.  It has revolutionized the news by them being able to find other information like if they are doing a live report, but are missing a few details they can real quick go on to google and look up the missing facts.  Businesses have been affected because now they can sell their products on the Internet they can also work with people across the country without having to leave their home.  People have begun to depend on social networks such as face book to make friends, they meet a new person but only have a minute to talk they say "I'll face book you later tonight," and then they become friends that way they might not even see each other again after that!  Everybody also always talks about the gossip from such places they will talk about their favorite picture or what happened between two of their friends and how they will refuse to talk to each other because of a accepting a new friend. Everyone in this world has changed because of social networks: businesses can sell their products easier, people make new freinds and talk to people they might not talk to normally more, and then News have benefitted from it as well because they can get facts easier.

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