Thursday, May 26, 2011
Oprah Winfrey most influential woman ever?
I do believe she is pretty influential through talent and wisdom. She has done many wonderful things from helping kids in Haiti to building schools. She gives good advise and has helped a lot of people by giving them advide or money for a project! She has started a whole new age to talk shows and a great many other talk shows have started to give their own spin to her style, like Ellen she has modeled her show after Oprah. The best part about her is that she started out average she wasn't born a millionare, she wasn't handed money, she had to work her way up the proverbial ladder and force herself to be known. Her hard work has paid off, now many women look up to her and want to be as influential as her. If she ever ran for any political position I bet she would win hands down because of how hard working she is and how determined she is. All this makes me think that if she inn't the most influential woman she is pretty close.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
may 21st billions of years early. My thoughts?
I think that they are correct about how long it'll be till the end of the world and that it'll be more than likely caused by the sun expanding. It will be billions of years before we should even consider the end of the world and why on earth would God pick ONE man, a man who is more than likely crazy, to tell him about the end of the world. What all this is, is an old man who wants to go off this planet remembered and is only causing mass panic and all kinds of trouble. According to scientific research the sun should not expand and explode for 5 billion years, my thoughts are that no one should worry about the end of the world till it happens then they can scream and try to run but will more than likely just run each other over.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Small inventions that have changed journalism
One small invention that has changes the way we do journalism is the camcorder. This has changed journalism because now we can put videos up on the Internet and take pictures that help to explain or describe our article. Lots of people take for granted the photos and videos that we see practically everyday but back when it was first invented, in 1983, it truly changed journalism now we can show what happened or even what could happen! Once we were able to take pictures and videos we could do live broadcasts quicker with mare accurate facts from videos and add emphases to certain facts through the pictures. The camcorder is just one invention among many that may seem small but has truly helped the progress of journalism.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The Future of the Space Programs
According to research scientists speculate that once our next shuttle is launched we won't be doing much in space besides getting astronauts to the international space station which should take four to five years to get to. After that though things should get a little more exciting many people are saying that by 2020 we should be able to LIVE on asteroids and by 2025 we might be able to live on MARS! I grew up always wondering if one day I could live on the moon and now it may just be possible within the next 10-15 years! In order to reach these very impressive goals scientists are working on a new space suit and space craft. The bew space suit hasn't had too much progress but the craft,The Orion, is progressing quickly. NASA speculates that we shall start trying to get astronauts to the ISS (International Space Station) within 2 years! Thats all for now!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
"Think before your post" why is it important
Think before you post is important because with news everybody wants all the facts and if you have facts that noone else has and you post it on facebook or myspace then anyone can take it and claim they found it, especially if its about someone or samething important. For example if we were all to start bragging on facebook about Osama Bin Laden it might anger his people enough to bomb us or attack us. Everything a journalist knows should be kept under lock and key until publishing. That is my opinion on "Think before you post," and how it is important.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Susan Lucci
Susan Lucci was born December 23,1948 in Scarsdale, New York. She was the only daughter of Victor and Jean Lucci, though she did have an older brother;James. Together they grew up in Garden City, New York until she graduated highschool and she went into theatre at the Maymount college. Later wh3en she was 21 she auditioned and got the part of Erica Kane in the opera All My Children. During the next three decades she preformed Erica Kane, among many other high ended parts,a nd married 9 times to 6 different men, through all this she earned the adoration of thousands of fans. She has also been on several daytime tv shows such as Dallas. Mafia Princess,Lady Mobster,French Silk, Seduced and Betrayed,and Blood on Her Hands.Now she is living in Garden City with her husband and manager. Her and her husbamd had two children, one of which,Lisa, has moved on to be an actress.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
should the photos of Osama Bin Laden's killing be released
Yes, I believe they should release the photos because then we have evidence. I am one of those people who believe what I see so until I see the photos I will always wonder if HE really died. I know that at least of the people I met they are paranoid about people like him cause hes got more tricks up his sleeve then one can count! He has done horrible things to this country and has cost hundreds of families their loved ones so their will be lots of people who will want to have evidence that what happened to them can't happen to anyone else. All this leads me to believe that Obama should release at least one photo.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The murder of osama bin laden
In my opinion it is a relieve that he can no longer plan anymore attacks but at the same time I am terrified because when people get angry they do irrational things. There is no doubt in my mind that he has made other plans to attack the united states and now that he is gone he cant control when they happen so in vengeance the people who followed him might attack us that much quicker, sure it may just be me being paranoid but they say better save then sorry. Then the celebrating that some people are doing just is wrong in my opinion we should never celebrate the death of a person we may honor then but nothing further because even if we didnt like them as a whole in his mind he was doing what he had to protect his people and no matter who he was or what he did he had family who loved him and he probably loved someone as well. That is my opinion on this whole matter.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
mcdonalds hires 50,000
McDonalds hires 50,000 people to get unemployment rate lower. Is this a good or bad thing? On one hand I can see how it is bad that now a lot of people WANT to work at McDonald's because there are no other jobs open, at one point or another it was thought that if you worked at McDonald's you were uneducated.On the other hand it is great that they are doing this to help raise our economy \
cant concentrate do more over spring break!!!!!!!
cant concentrate do more over spring break!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
selfless rescue-4 year old girl saves her 12-year sister
Four year old Edda Lilts jumps into the Jamaican Bay to save her 12-year-old sister,Edith. Edith got stuck in a ripe tide when on vacation in Jamaica she fought against the tide and all it did was make her start to drown. Her 4-year-old sister selflessly jumped off the pier and in to the bay, then proceeded to drag her to shore. Their mother stood on shore unable to process anything doe to the shock and stress of the situation. When the two girls reached shore about one hundred people crowded about trying to see if they were both okay, but a camera crew(that seemed to appear from no where) reached then first. With-in hours Edda was considered a heroine, due to the fact she jumped in after her sister and both of them were fine when they reached shore, other than the fact they were a little shaken up!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
how can i include other peoples opinions in my writing?
Everybody has opinions on every subject and it is difficult to get all of them, so most news reporters try to only state the facts and not put in their own opinion.No matter how hard we try though we unconsciously put in our opinions through our body language and our tone of voice, so how do we include other opinions as well? There is no one answer to this question, everyone has different way. Myself I'd talk to coworkers, friends, and family and write down all the different opinions and try to add into my report the ones most of them seem to agree on. In certain sections of the paper it is all about your own opinion like op-ed but in others like news you have pretty much absolutely no opinion in there cause all your seriously doing is reporting the facts and what they are doing to improve the situation. Either way no matter what section you write for you have to find some way to add in other peoples veiws and opinions.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Are yearbooks journalism?
Yes, I do believe yearbooks are journalism. I believe so because in yearboks their are the opinions known as superlatives because we say our opinion on who is what: such as best ginger or most unlikely couple. Then we also report on events but instead of using words we use pictures which sometimes describe things better than words. Then it is divided by years and events, its also all in order. First comes the events starting with the first dance and going all the way through all the years big events. After that may come club pictures and after that comes the class pictures. All this leads me to believe that yearbooks are a form of journalism.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
how have journalistic ethics changed since we have gone online?-------COME BACK TO LATER
Yes it has changed a lot, in ethics and other aspects of journalism. With ethics though the things are more subtle, we do not always act as indepenadantly as we used to. We check a couple sources see what they agree on and report on it. We may dig a little deeper but for the most part we touch the surface and state only the important facts like why and how instead of what and where.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
my fixed review on QAlice in Wonderland (2010 version)
Alice in Wonderland was a great film. It kept you on your toes, wondering how she would get home, what other dangerous things would happen, and last but not least will Alice slay the Jabberwocky. In this comedy Alice wonders away from a party and enters the exciting world of Underland (wonderland). During her time there she is shrunk and overgrown, forced into the red queens (the evil queen) court, she endurs all this so she can help save Wonderland from the Jabberwocky, the dragon, that had previously helped the red queen destroy half of wonderland. During this movie you must be "mad as a hatter," in order to survive, which luckily Alice is but along the way she meets several people, the white queen, the mad hatter (otherwise known as Tarrant Hightopp), chess (the disapearing cat), Mallyupkin (the dormouse), and White Rabbit are some of the good guys. As everyone knows though is that with every good person their is someone bad too, on the bad side of things we have Islovic Stayne (the red knave) and we have the red queen. This movie is a perfect mix of every title...but horror i highly suggest to everyone to see it.
(...talented actors lend the film its greatest energy, and without them I might have fallen asleep rather than just feeling a bit listless- the real review from
(...talented actors lend the film its greatest energy, and without them I might have fallen asleep rather than just feeling a bit listless- the real review from
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Are all judges "activist judges"? journal 1-----3/29/11
All judges are activists because no matter what they say or do someone will think that somehow they are going to be accused of making a stand. All judges have some law pet peeve that needs to be fixed through certain methods, like we use tickets to help improve safety of yourself and others in the car with you or the others on the road.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Ann Coulter's "radiation is good for us"
"Radiation is good for you," is what Ann Coulter said on Bill O'Reilly, is it really true though. We all know about 9/11 a lot of people suffered from various illnesses after words most of which happened due to radiation. Then in Japan right now several people have died from radiation. Yes maybe radiation is good for you in small amounts, but no we should not all go over to Japan hoping that the high amount of radiation will heal your cancer because yes you may be healed for a while but you will probably suffer from another disease or even die due to the radiation your body absorbed. We use small amounts of radiation to kill cancerous cells or even to hault their process but this causes people to go bald! While that may not seem like much it is evidense that your body is not suppposed to have radiation in it or, more thaan likely, near it! If your body stops producing what is has produced sinse you were born then its a pretty good sign to stop what your doing! All this leads me to believe that Ann Coulter has probably not done thorough research on the subject before she spoke, which she should certainly consider doing before she speaks up again! If she feels like dieing from radiation she can go do so but she shouldn't bring others down with her.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Is St Pattys day racist?
Is St Patty's day racist? No I do not believe that this day is racist because EVERYONE celebrates it. Most people go to the parade and the bars (even children) to celebrate. It is one huge celebration and plus we have 8 times as many Irish people in America then they do in Ireland! It affects everyone in some way you may be Irish, you probably know lots of people who are I rish and somebody probably married into yuor family who is Irish! Irish people surround us just as surely as Italians do, Italians have a festival that lasts weeks why can't Irish have one day to celebrate their customs and religions? Spanish people have day of the dead and and Cinco de Maya. The Irish in our country have one day, let them celebrate without them being considered racist.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Japan Tragedy
Tragedy strikes in Japan with an earthquake of 9.0 on the ripter scale. Though they say that Japan is the most prepared country for an earthquake even they are not prepared for a 9.0 earthquake. It hit at around 2:45 pm and it devestated Japan! Some people speculate that there maybe over 10,000 bodies from it, though they have only found roughly 4,000 and even more are missing at present time. The tsunamis and after-shocks of the earthquake have caused even more damage but these things could be the least of Japans problems.

Japan is a manufacterer of nuclear weapons and some of their plants are leaking nuclear fluids. They are having several thousand people quarentined due to the fact they have shown signs of nuclear contamination.

At current time we are uncertain of how long Japan will be suffering so everyone please be aware and hopeful for the people of Japan
Japan is a manufacterer of nuclear weapons and some of their plants are leaking nuclear fluids. They are having several thousand people quarentined due to the fact they have shown signs of nuclear contamination.
At current time we are uncertain of how long Japan will be suffering so everyone please be aware and hopeful for the people of Japan
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Is it ok to pay people to call in on radio/ tv
Is it ok to pay people to call in on a radio show? No, I do not believe this is OK because it is fraud. If he mentions that he payed them afterward then yes its perfectly fine but other wise it is not being truthful, you are not showing an honest opinion of the subject. I can see the benefits of hiring the people to call cause otherwise the show will be boring and you might not see the other sides of the statement.However if you ASK people to call in thats different, because then you are NOT paying them.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Is it protected speech to protest a funeral?
I believe that it is protected but it should not be. In nearly every country, every religion you are taught to honor and respect the dead even if you don't exactly like them. Here is the question you should ask yourself before you even consider protesting a funeral; is if you would want someone to protest YOUR own funeral or the funeral of a beloved family member of yours. While we may be protected by the bill of rights' and constitution, your own morals and values should be what you are thinking about. If you do want to protest something they did in their life then you should wait until after the funeral and protest OUTSIDE the graveyard so you are still protesting what you want to but are also respecting the dead. In some religions or countries they have entire days, weeks, months dedicated to honoring the dead. You may feel it is necessary to protest but before doing so you should think about how you would want to be treated when you, yourself dies.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Is it against the first Amendment
Is it against the first Amendment to teach about how evolution isn't true, teachers treated as union members, or not being aloud to say gay in school? First we have freedom religion so we can believe anything we want not just that God made the world, we can not say that is true unless scientists prove it true or proves that evolution is true. Teachers treated as union members? First off teachers are practically broke most struggle to make ends meet, so we do not need to worry about the teachers that have teached longer having more money they teach unwilling kids for 8 hrs a day and are practically broke the least we can do is give them a little more money. Whats wrong with saying gay is school? Absolutely nothing! First off gay can also mean happy, so if we cant say gay in school can we be happy? Second we have freedom of speech meaning we can say whatever pleases us at anytime we want including GAY... or homosexual! Quite obviously I am very against any of these laws being passed.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Can I ethically report on a friend's travel agency if I am a travel corresponder?
No, I do not believe that you can, unless you have someone else edit it and have them write in all the facts. Otherwise you will probably try to remain neutral but you will unconsciously lean towards making the company your friend owns look better. This is simply not ethical because it might be the worst company that has a lot of crashes and deaths involved in it or it could be the best company but be mega expensive either way you might be making someones travel very tight in expense which could cause your company a loss in money. The best way to write about your friends travel agency is to write the article but then give it to someone else on the staff and have them check it over to make sure all the facts are right and that your article remains neutral.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Does an "internet kill switch" go against our 1st amendment
This could go either way. In my opinion it does go against the first amendment because that's what the Internet it is your freedom of speech and of the press. It is these things because on the Internet you can do just about anything from starting a new website to helping a website become more popular. At the same time though it could also benefit us helping us get out more so it helps solve obesity with-in our country. Though in all actuality we could just get the Internet through other sources such as calling other nations and uploading things that way. Plus America thrives through the Internet, we use the Internet to debate possible trade agreements and we communicate through the Internet from emails and web-cams. From whichever direction you take this topic you can argue it with facts and opinions so I, myself am on the fence about this but I lean more towards the fact that it does breach the first amendment.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
3RD SEMESTER what does the quote mean?
This quote means that they must get all the details first and they can't go on vacation cause they might miss an important story. They are the eyes and earsof the public,because the public expects them to tell them all the facts almost as soon as they know all the facts.
Quote- Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediatly, while the echos of wonder, the claims of triumph and the sign of horror are still in the air.
Quote- Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediatly, while the echos of wonder, the claims of triumph and the sign of horror are still in the air.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Autism Hoax
The over all effect the autism hoax had on the public was that more people stopped getting their shots for measles, chicken pox,etc which caused more people to get sick which caused more people to die. Some other effects were doctors offices are required to buy those vaccines costing the state to lose money. The news media should have first had other scientists to check it before they published it, that one little action could have saved several peoples' lives. Since they already published that article in the past they should immediately write a new article to correct the problem as best they can, if they did this as quickly as possible it could still save many people's lives
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
what happened in the last 10 years?
The 2000's were a lot of things but what was probably the most significant thing about it was the time of teenage girl's loving vampires, werewolves and other dark mythological creatures. In order to show our love of it we would often dress slightly Gothic wearing skinny jeans, dark tight shirts, and converse, all of this was considered fashionable. A lot of other really important stuff happened this past 10 years, such as over 1 million deaths that's about 2times more than normal. We also had the 1st ever black President, President Obama. We invented some cool useful things to such as wikipedia, facebook, myspace, ipods, and the best thing ever American Idol! We had many bad things invented as well such as steroids, also a great many people are becoming obese. We also had a break out of H1N1 other wise known as the swine flu. That's about all that happened in the time period of 2000-2010
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