Tuesday, December 14, 2010

movies ratings

           I do believe this works well because some people shouldn't see certain things, such as children shouldn't see a bloody war movie and I highly doubt a teenager wants to see a little kids happily ever after movie. At the same time I believe that some responsible teenagers should be able to see horror movie rated R because we are more mature than young children. If I had to change one thing about the way movies are rated I 'd give a bit more lee-way because again teenagers enjoy horror movies so we should be aloud to see what we want as long as parents are okay with it. At the same time though I believe that when they rate younger kid movies that they should keep in mind that most chldren are innocent and parents woould prefer to keep them that way., so they should be aware of everything that they see in the movies because what might be overlooked as a rater might not be by a parent

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

President on worst case scenario

           The worst case scenario to a time machine would be a black hole that would slowly consume the world till nothing is left.  I we were to find a way to time travel we would be affecting the space time continuum causing a black hole to form the only way to stop it from killing off every human being on the planet would be to find someway to get human beings up into space and able to stay there until we could find another planet to live on. The hole would consume anything and everything including light. A black hole has no passage of time and no end so while you might not die from being sucked in you would probably die from lack of oxygen but the worst would be being crushed into nothingness.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

5 headlines with 2 sentences that would nterest readers

           Pennsylvania mother murdered 5 children-the murder a regular stay at home soccer mom charged with 5 child murders, one of which her own son.

           Newark women admits to fatally stabbing an 8 month old baby- when her husband left her she said she couldn't deal with the baby and thus stabbed it to death.

          4 Wesley student admit to stealing thousands from fellow dorm members-whilst everyone but them was away for Thanksgiving they broke in to several dowms and all together stole $18,000.

         Body found in Seaford, Pennsylvania river-they are currently debating if it is homicide or suicide, all anybody knows is this small town dad left his work in a rage and never returned.What do you think?

         St. Elizabeth chuch priest is sued for abuse-St Elizabeth preist is sued for abusing 2 young boys around 12 years old were abused and is now pressing charges if he wins he could get well over 1 million dollars.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Is hunting good or bad?

           With many topics this is one of those ones you can argue both sides, I mainly think hunting to be good but I am a hunter so I am a little biased.  I can see the bad in it also such as we are killing things when it is not our right to. Since I'm on the fence about this I'll start with the good. We reduce the deer population which is over populating, we can earn more money if we choose to sell the deer to restaurants, and everybody likes venison. On the bad side of things we are killing when "Thou shalt not kill" to quote the 10 commandments, plus its very much so possible to get a disease from eating any hunted animal.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ethical dilemmas for editing a bad grammar and poor word choice quote

            Some of the ethical dilemmas for editing a quote that has poor word choice and bad grammar are you can't change the words to make them sound a bit more educated.  Though you may want to change some of the words to make a person sound better you can't because then it wouldn't be a quote. Another dilemma is that they could have just been nervous and not acting themselves when you interviewed so to maybe undo it is see if you can real quick reinterview them or just not use that quote as a quote just add some of their facts into the article an example of this could be: Several neighbors reported that..., you get the point. That is what I believe are some of the ethical dilemmas with this as well as some ways to fix them

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Is it news worthy that hopefully one day we'll be able 2 go somewhere but that day never ended

           Yes, I believe that it is news worthy that one day we can go somewhere or do something but that time would exist outside of the space time continuum. I believe this because one day we might be able to do it so the more we know about it now the less we have to learn later. Plus this could lead to several other so called "impossible" feat such as time travel or living on mars. This could also help us go and make our lives better like people who skipped college could go back and do it with out it affecting their normal lives. All this leads me to believe that this topic is news worthy

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is it ethical to download pictures from Facebook without the owners permission? mp2 journal1

           No, I do not believe that it is ethical for someone to download pictures from Facebook without the owners permission. I believe this because it is the users pictures thus making it their right to decide if writers can use them.  If we do not ask it could be considered stealing and you could get in a lot of trouble for it, you might lose your job or even get sued.  At the same time they might not even care but you should always check with the owner, for them that picture could be somewhat special or private and they don't want the entire state to see it. Plus if the picture was downloaded  the person who they downloaded it from would not know you downloaded until after the story was published. All this leads me to believe that it should not be considered ethical to download pictures for an article from a facebook owner account without the owners permission

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

If we were in 2005 should your media outlet go along with the states request not to release the information?

           No, I do not believe that the media should keep the prison stand off a secret. I believe this because the gaurds' have families that were worried about them and they want the truth not some half true story.  Plus if the prisoners could do that whats to keep them from escaping the prison, the people should be warned to take some caution such as not going out after dark by oneself or not letting a child play in the yard without someone watching them.  All of this makes me believe that the media should have released the information in 2205 about the prison standoff. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Communication ethics vs. personal ethics

           Communication ethics are supposed to be neutral and their ethics should try to please everyone.  Personal ethics apply to that one person and that one person only, it can change for one person it might be wrong to lie whilst another person may lie all the time.  Though Communication Ethics should remain neutral, they may allow their personal ethics to get in the way of writing an honest story.  At the same time though they also need to consider the fact that both personal and communication ethics can be the same for a person but the journalist must tough it out and do their best to remain neutral until they have completed their article.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

American Food-What is really healthy?

            Yes, I do believe that we should tell people about what they are actually eating when they eat "healthy" food.  If we do so then we might be able to help child obesity become better, we might also get people to exercise more working off any of the fattening food they may eat.  I also believe we should have a setion in every paper that tells about the healthy restraunts and meals to make.  If we do so then maybe people would stop going to places that feed you fake healthy food.  If we can make healthier, smaller meals that would also be a way to help obesity as well as encourage other people to eat healthier.  Other things we can do to make the world more aware of what they eat is have meeting between people that shows the healthy choice as well as the unhealthy choice and then show the results of what can happen with each choice, like regular peanut butter compared to just peanuts and oil. That is what I belive we should do about becomig healthier

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It this type of flight news worthy?

           No, I do not believe this story to be news worthy because there are more important things in the world. Sure, some people would find it interesting but at the moment it has nothing to do with our world. When they find something interesting like how to defy gravity, then they can put it in the paper. I also believe that there are more important things we have to know such as any new diseases that scientists have come across or the economical status of the United States. That is why I believe that it is not an important topic for news papers to write about.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Is it ethical to tape a person unknowingly?

           I believe that sometimes it can be ethical  to tape someone unknowingly.  If it is an important matter such as a witness report on a bank robbery and they don't want you to tape them, than yes I believe that you should secretly tape them, especially if they remember something important that they forgot to tell the police.  In other times such as an interview for maybe a small sports event and they don't want you to tape them than you should respect their opinion.  I for one would understand something important such as a witness report to be secretly taped because that stuff might convict someone but for anything else I would be enraged because they had gone against what I said.  In my opinion it depends on the reason for the interview because it can go both ways. I think the real question is would you secretly tape someone without their knowing? If you're honest with yourself, you would say it depends on the case. That is why I believe that it sometimes it can be ethical to secretly tape someone during an interviem

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Social Networks

           Yes, I believe that social networks have revolutionized the News,Businesses, and even people communicating and making friends.  It has revolutionized the news by them being able to find other information like if they are doing a live report, but are missing a few details they can real quick go on to google and look up the missing facts.  Businesses have been affected because now they can sell their products on the Internet they can also work with people across the country without having to leave their home.  People have begun to depend on social networks such as face book to make friends, they meet a new person but only have a minute to talk they say "I'll face book you later tonight," and then they become friends that way they might not even see each other again after that!  Everybody also always talks about the gossip from such places they will talk about their favorite picture or what happened between two of their friends and how they will refuse to talk to each other because of a accepting a new friend. Everyone in this world has changed because of social networks: businesses can sell their products easier, people make new freinds and talk to people they might not talk to normally more, and then News have benefitted from it as well because they can get facts easier.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Free Press in other countries

           I believe that other countries lack free press because it helps the rulers keep control over the people.  If  they can keep make everyone believe that everyone else agrees with them would anyone rebel?  If you think about that question the answer is obviously no, who would stand up if they believed everyone else wouldn't?  In my opinion we cant really do much to help them, but we can give the government advice such as allow the people to vote on most if not all of the laws. Yes, we should always help when we can especially when you consider how much we have learned over time.  If everyone helped one another out this world would be a much better place. We can learn some things from other countries just as other countries can learn from us. For instance we can learn from other countries how to keep a constant economy whist other countries can learn the right of free press or to vote for the leaders from us.  All this supports my theory that other countries lack free press to help keep control over their citizens.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Is it ethical to embed journalists in the armed forces in wartime?

           No, I don't believe embedding news reporters in the armed forces during wartime to be ethical.  I believe this because it is extremely disrespectful and insensitive to some people.  If your lost your mom or dad or some other close relative in a war and they happen to have been caught on tape you wouldn't want to have to relive that say 10 years from now. It is so disrespectful because they're putting someones loved ones' death all over the world. It's insensitive because maybe the enemy got to see the tape and are laughing at the pain they're causing to that person's family. If I lost someone in the war and it was caught on tape that would be running through my head the entire time "I bet they are over there laughing," and I would of wanted to cry and scream but mostly I would want revenge! Not only would the newsreporters have to deal with the people who had suffered from the scene, they would have to deal with the people who would want revenge against the enemy!  If someone maybe got a little bit out of control we might have a mass murderer on their hands. All these reasons are why I believe embedding journalists in the armed forces camp is wrong, insensitive, and disrespetive.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Is America's journalism too detached from society

           I think that yes journalism is to detached from society because they mostly talk about sports events or movie stars. They prefer to talk about exciting events or celebrity gossip when in all actuality they should be doing things about the lack of jobs in the U.S.A or about the ways to manage your money. Celebrity gossip is fun and everyone loves to hear that their favorite sports team is winning but right now the people in the United States need financial advice or reassurance that some jobs are starting to repopulate. Sure it might not be interesting stuff but how many of your parents don't have jobs right now and are struggling to put food on the table every night? If news papers or magazines covered that more people would get their jobs back and would have the money to later learn from the paper that Lady Gaga has a new meat dress.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


           Privacy is important because without it anyone could know your home address, who your ex boy/girlfriends are, and other important private things. Without privacy there would be a lot more break-ins and possibly murders. If everyone knows where you are at any time they they could easily sneak into your house and steal everything without having to worry about you coming home. I do unfortunately forget sometimes forget about the need for privacy but luckily I don't own a facebook or twitter so its harder for me to spill everything out to the world. I often beg my mom for one but I always know that she only says no because she doesn't want me to get into any trouble or for our house to be broken in to or for me to be made fun of. I realze that privacy is a problem and if everyone else knew that I highly doubt anyone would spill anything private on the internet anymore.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My opinion on the Koran burning

           In my opinion the Koran burning is highly wrong.  We may live in a free country but everything has limits, if Jones did end up burning the Korans' I would consider it a terrorist attack.  My reasoning consists of past events in America's history such as the KKK or the events at Pearl Harbor as well as the Japanese internment camps during World War Two. The main reason Jones was upset was because the Muslim people were building their church near the sight of 9/11 which the Muslim people caused. It  was his fear that caused him to say that he would burn the Koran's, he was afraid that there would be another attack so he spoke out. It is alot like the KKK they believe only they are right and that people that have a different skin color shouldn'y have the same rights as those who have white skin. Over all even though we all have all these freedoms some people are still  racist, sexist, ans a little close minded.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

what's best to remember when writing a news story

        What I think is best when writing a hard news story is facts and witness reports. I think facts because if you don't add them your story won't be news but an opinion article. I think witness reports are important because they make the story more real. In my opinion bothe these things work together to create a hard, interesting news story. Which is what people want to read about. That is why I think facts and witness reports are important in a hard news story.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What I would do without noticing

             I would without a doubt have an issue with commitment to accurasy.  I have a tendency to write about the interesting lies then the boring truth. I sometimes forget that you can't write about something that doesn't have any sources other than your friends or family.  When I write something factual I also tend to leave the subject and say my or my friends opinions on the subject.  Obviously I have a problem with a commitment to accurasy

what I would change

           If I could change some things about the paper they would be more out of school news and more world wide news. I would want more world wide news because alot of people tend to forget that the United States isn't the only country in the world. I would want more out of school news because we always know whats going on in the school but we often don't know about the news out side of school such as break ins' or things happening out in Hawaii! That is all I would change about the school news paper